Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Flag Day Baby

As probably discovered by the fact that this is , yesterday was my birthday. It actually ended up being a very good day, even though I had to work! After work, I ended up going out for Thai food (chicken and mangoes... very good together!) and then to play some SKEEBALL! :) Then, it was off to our company's last performance of the season - an outdoor show at the bandshell, which was nice, but quite hot and sticky for those of us in costumes. I ended up having quite a late night for a workday, but it was well worth it. I find myself the recipient of some lovely presents, too - a bicycle, some spa-type stuff, an ice-cream scoop, makeup case, purse, candy, lovely earrings... all in all, it was a very good way to start off this upcoming year.

I only hope that the rest of the year will live up to the first two days!

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